Monday, March 30, 2009

Timeline Questions Answered

I've received several questions about the process of becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer so I thought I'd share my answers with everyone in case there's anyone out there itching to apply. Warning: this process isn't for the impatient.

Last week of May 2008: Filled out my application online, wrote the required 2 essays, sent in my college transcripts and began to wait.

June 1, 2008: Finalized my online application and hit the "submit" button - here I go! Need to find 3 references who will tell the PC that I'm an awesome candidate. (Thank you EF, JM, and KB!)

June 16, 2008: Got a call from the Peace Corps office in Chicago asking to schedule a phone interview. Scheduled for June 24, 2008. Prep time.

June 24, 2008: Phone interview. A few normal interview questions but several curveballs. When he asked me how I would handle an "unstructured" work environment I was stumped...then he helped me along and said "well tell me about your work in the campaigns you've worked on" - BINGO! I knocked it out of the park. I knew those campaign experiences would come in handy. After the necessary questions were asked of me, he says "well we're about finished Amy, do you have any questions for me at this time?" I wanted to say, yes, can you block off your entire afternoon so I can ask you everything that I can think of? But I didn't, I only asked one question - "when will I find out if I'm in?" He politely asks me to hold on the line, but then he comes right back after plugging my name and experiences into his trusty little Peace Corps matcher-upper and says "How does teaching English in West Africa sound to ya? You would leave in June 2009 but I can't tell you any other specifics." Sounds good to me. I accept and I'm officially Nominated to be a PCV.

July & August 2008: Medical Clearance. Multiple doctors visits, seven viles of blood drawn, some precautionary dental work and an eye appointment. If anyone was worried, I now know that I am healthy as a horse. I receive a letter stating that I am "Medically Cleared Worldwide."

August 2008: Legal Clearance. Fingerprints at the police station prove that I am not a criminal just trying to escape to a foreign country. I'm cleared.

January 30, 2009: I haven't heard anything from PC in months so I break down and call. I told myself I wasn't going to bug them until February 1st...I made it to January 30th - not bad. I speak to a lady who said she was just reveiwing my application and had a few more questions for me. I answer them, they're softball questions but she wants to make sure my parents understand that I could be assigned to a very remote location where I might not have instant communciation. I tell her we're operating on the "once a month" rule until we know more - as in I will only be able to call or email them once a month. She seems pleased and says I should know something within 60 days. Ok - a little longer than I was hoping but at least I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

February 2, 2009: I receive an email from the PC stating I have an "Application Status Update." Unfortunately I read this email while I was driving into work so my mind wondered the whole way from Lexington to Frankfort. Was this my invitation I've been waiting on? Was this an email telling me I wasn't fit for the PC? I get to work and open the update to read "Congratulations! You're Invitation Packet has been mailed." That's it - nothing more nothing less. Snail mail? Seriously...this is 2009. But I figure that I'd waited since June 2008 I can wait a few more days for the US Postal Service to do it's job.

February 7, 2009: INVITED!!! I've already written about this day (see very first blog post) so I won't repeat. But it was damn near one of the most exciting days of my life. This little piece of paper told me where I was going to live and work for the next 2 years and I couldn't be more happy about it.

So that's how it happened. While a pretty lengthy process, I now understand why. Since February I've bought everything from a headlamp to a Bug Hut and nearly everything in between. I've most recently started buying things in 3 month supplies (that's what they tell you to bring) such as shampoo, soap, and Clif bars. Some of my purchases yield some strange looks though from the cashiers who have the luxury of checking me out. I'm sure they think I'm either going into hiding with all of my Clif bars and soap or constructing a tent or cape with the 45 pairs of unmentionables I bought. Strange looks I may receive, but there are some things I'm just not willing to go without.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! As slow as it seemed for you, I felt like the weeks and months ticked by pretty fast. What are "unmentionables"?
